A spatial multi-criteria approach to support the participatory design of a network for e-scooters
Graphical Abstract
Micromobility and, in particular, e-scooter adoption, is rapidly spreading worldwide as an effective transport mode for short trips and for the last-mile to transit access. However, the pace of growth of micromobility is not followed by an adequate planning and development of suitable infrastructures. This is particularly needed in car-oriented cities with scarce spaces for active modes. Besides, the difference between bicycles and new e-scooters makes it important to rethink about traditional infrastructure layout and design. To address these challenges, this paper proposes a combined spatial and multi-criteria approach designed to identify priority criteria and paths for e-scooters in urban areas, considering user preferences. The case study is Catania (Italy), and the focus is on university student’s mobility patterns and preferences. The methodology consists of a participatory approach involving university students in the selection of criteria and employing a survey leveraging pairwise comparisons of different criteria to unveil their preferences. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was chosen to obtain criteria weights and use them in determining priority locations for e-scooter infrastructures through a Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis. By incorporating user preferences and considering spatial factors, this approach aims to facilitate the efficient integration of e-scooters into urban environments; the insights gained from this analysis can contribute to the planning of dedicated infrastructures and offer practical implications for the sustainable development of micromobility systems.