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Enhancing Sustainable Urban Mobility: Computer Vision Applications in Pedestrian Path Studies
Abdul-Mugis Yussif, Ridwan Taiwo, Tarek Zayed, Saeed Reza Mohandes, Sulemana Fatoama Abdulai
Abstract PDF
Exploring the role of wavelet decomposition order in deep learning-based network-wide traffic prediction
Mohammad Javad Hassan Zada, Iuliia Yamnenko, Constantinos Antoniou
Abstract PDF
Rubber and plastic waste-modified asphalt binders and mixtures: Performance against environmentally induced distresses-A review
Ramin Shahbazi, Ali Rajabipour, Ehsan Yaghoubi, Milad Bazli, Luis Herrera Diaz, Bogdan Z. Dlugogorski
Abstract PDF
Assessment of the Effect of Temperature Variations in Falling Weight Deflectometer Deflections for Full-Depth Asphalt Pavements
Pablo Orosa, Bongsuk Park, Seonghwan Cho, John E. Haddock
Abstract PDF
An interpretable deep machine learning model for crash severity prediction-Use of international big data
Khaled Assi, Ibrahim Nemer, Syed Masiur Rahman, Nedal Ratrout, Osama Mosameh, Uneb Gazder
Abstract PDF
A spatial multi-criteria approach to support the participatory design of a network for e-scooters
Michela Le Pira, Martina Fazio, Nadia Giuffrida, Elena Cocuzza, Giuseppe Inturri, Matteo Ignaccolo
Abstract PDF
Precision Salt Application Using Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms to Achieve Improved Road Safety and Reduced Environmental Impacts
Sepideh Emami Tabrizi, Jennifer Elizarov, Hani Farghaly, Bahram Gharabaghi
Abstract PDF
Performance Indexes for characterizing driving behaviour
Gaetano Bosurgi, Orazio Pellegrino, Giuseppe Sollazzo, Alessia Ruggeri
Abstract PDF
Synergistic enhancement of Bituminous concrete mixture performance with Polypropylene Granule modified binder and Rice Husk Ash as mineral filler substitute
A. Ramesh, V. Venkat Ramayya, P. Swojanya, V. Vinayaka Ram
Abstract PDF
Algorithm-Based Runway Configuration Management: A Comprehensive ADSB Data Analysis
Abstract PDF
Alteration in delay time considering different pedestrian's crossing characteristics in the era of autonomous vehicles
Szilárd SZIGETI, Dávid FÖLDES, Attila ABA
Abstract PDF
Machine detectability of road markings using classical image processing techniques for demand-oriented road operations in automated vehicles
Stefan Biermeier, Dirk Kemper, Tomasz Burghardt, Alvaro Garcia-Hernandez
Abstract PDF
In-depth Investigation of Contributing Factors of Fatal/severe-injury Crashes at Highway Merging Areas using Machine Learning Classification Methods
Nischal Bhattarai, Ciyun Lin, Hongchao Liu, Yibin Zhang
Abstract PDF
A Comprehensive Review of the Resilient Behaviour of Unbound Granular Pavement Materials
Ayesh Dushmantha, Shiran Jayakody, Yilin Gui, Chaminda Gallage
Abstract PDF
Potential applications for composite utilization of rubber and plastic in asphalt pavements: A critical review
Haibin Li, Lichang Zhou, Yuhang Cai, Yongfei Zhang, Bature Auwal Ibrahim, Zixuan Feng, Liyun Tang, Zhigang Li, Fayong Yang
Abstract PDF
Studying the performance of pavement defects at different road slopes using the vibration-based method and deep machine learning
Amir Shtayat
Abstract PDF